Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Desmitificar la Salud Mental (Demystifying Mental Health)

Welcome to this special Voices of Compassion episode focused on mental health within the Latinx community!

Dr. Joan Baran is joined by CHC colleagues and psychologists Dr. Melina Foden and Dr. Emily Hsu as they explore how culture and traditions impact perceptions about mental health in Latinx families and how these influences impact seeking help when needed.

En este episodio de Voices of Compassion, Dra. Joan Baran tiene una conversación con colegas y psicólogas de CHC, Dra. Melina Foden y Dra. Emily Hsu en la que exploran cómo la cultura y las tradiciones impactan las percepciones sobre la salud mental en las familias latinas y cómo estas influencias impactan buscando ayuda cuando es necesario.
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The Emergent Bilingual Experience

In today’s Voices of Compassion episode, we celebrate the power of bilingualism as a strength rather than a challenge. Join us in a conversation with doctoral psychology intern at CHC, Chelsea Yanuaria. Chelsea is a mental health professional who provides a unique lens on the journey of emergent bilingual individuals, highlighting the unique advantages and strengths that come with navigating multiple languages and cultures. Read more ›

Mental Health Challenges and Support: Latinx Communities

Common mental health conditions among Latinx are generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and excessive use of alcohol and drugs. Additionally, suicide is a concern for Latinx youth. An estimated 33% of Latinx adults with mental illness receive treatment each year compared to the U.S. average of 43%.  Without treatment, certain mental health conditions can worsen and become disabling. Read more ›

4 Tips for Talking to Your Latinx Parents About Mental Health

If you were raised in a Latinx household, you’ll know that when it comes to mental health, we don’t grow up talking about it.

So if the thought of admitting to your family that you’re struggling makes you tense up, we totally get it. Read more ›

For Fear Of Being Labeled ‘Loco’, Hispanics Dodge Mental Health Resources And Suffer

In the United States alone, more than 16% of the Latinx community struggles with a mental health condition. This is nearly 10 million people.  And while mental health doesn’t discriminate against any one community, it does affect non-White populations at prolonged rates. Such that, depression in Blacks and Hispanics is likely to be more persistent than in White populations. Read more ›

Bilingual Books for Emergent Bilinguals

Bilingual books are not about simply placing the books in your library and hoping they will get utilized by your students. Likewise, the books are not an answer to diversity issues in your classroom teaching. Bilingual books deal with the same issues that monolingual books address: colorism, gender, and more. Read more ›

Emergent Bilingual Students: Shifting to An Asset Model of Instruction

For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom. Read more ›

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning [downloadable]

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning from Education Development Center (EDC) draws on current research into how children learn, giving educators promising practices for supporting the diverse needs of young learners. Read more ›

Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community

Latino communities often struggle to find quality care. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations that offer care and support to those in the Latino community. Read more ›

Defining LGBTQ Terms and Concepts

This guide produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation defines some com­mon terms — and pro­motes the use of accu­rate, authen­tic and inclu­sive lan­guage — to bet­ter equip adults to sup­port LGBTQ youth, serve as their advo­cates and help them thrive. Read more ›

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